
CI 3901 - Exploring the Teaching Profession I (2 Cr.) Service-Learning

Curriculum & Instruction (11197) TCED - College of Education and Human Development

CI 3901 - Exploring the Teaching Profession I (2 Cr.) Service-Learning

Course description

This course provides an avenue for participation in the College of Education and Human Development for undergraduate students who have identified teaching as a possible career choice and are accepted into the College’s DirecTrack to Teaching program. This course enables students to explore the history and culture of teaching, student learning, community contexts for learning, and sociocultural, historical, and political influences on teaching, learning, and schools. Students will participate in service learning experiences in area schools. They will attend class, make presentations, engage in online and in person analytical and reflective discussions, collaborate with peers and begin their journey towards becoming teachers.prereq: DirecTrack to Teaching program or department consent

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis




Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall