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SLHS 3306 - The Sense of Hearing (3 Cr.)
Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences (10989)
TCLA - College of Liberal Arts
Course description
Have you ever wondered how the sense of hearing works? This course will give you a deep look at the science behind the sense of hearing. You will learn about how sound is created, and transmitted from the air to our ears. Once sound enters our ears, it makes an impressive journey through many stations along the auditory pathway... all the way up to our brains. In addition to the physiological process of sound transmission through the auditory system, this course also covers psychoacoustics measures that provide non-invasive techniques and methods to evaluate the transmission of sound through the auditory system.
prereq: [3302, 3305W] or instr consent
prereq: [3302, 3305W] or instr consent
Minimum credits
Maximum credits
Is this course repeatable?
Grading basis
OPT - Student Option
Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?
Typically offered term(s)
Every Spring