
WRIT 1001 - The Art of Explaining Things: Introduction to Technical Writing and Communication (3 Cr.)

Writing Studies Department (10994) TCLA - College of Liberal Arts

WRIT 1001 - The Art of Explaining Things: Introduction to Technical Writing and Communication (3 Cr.)

Course description

This course introduces students to the field of technical writing and communication. What do technical communicators do? They explain things!
 Technical communicators are often tasked with explaining complex ideas to specific audiences through various means.
 Students will explore the history and current and future trends of the field through a variety of readings including journal articles and industry publications. Topics in the course include ethics, global communication, collaboration, usability, digital writing technologies, and content management, as well as the rhetorical principles of audience, purpose, and context. Students will gain exposure to current practices in the field through guest speakers and assignments. Other assignments include oral presentations, analytical and research writing, and writing for the web. The format of the class includes lecture, student-led discussions, group activities, and peer review.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis


Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall & Spring