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SOC 1011V - Honors: Introduction to Sociology (4 Cr.) Race, Power, and Justice US, Social Sciences, Writing Intensive, Honors
Sociology (10987)
TCLA - College of Liberal Arts
Course description
This course is designed to introduce you to the study of society and what sociologists call the "sociological imagination:" a way of viewing the events, relationships, and social phenomena that shape our individual lives and much of our collective experience. Through the course we will examine some of the central concepts and problems that have preoccupied both classical and contemporary sociologists and gain a sense of how the sociological imagination can illuminate the social forces that have a concrete impact on our everyday lives. Throughout the course you will be asked to consider the ways in which society affects your life and how you, in turn, affect society.
Minimum credits
Maximum credits
Is this course repeatable?
Grading basis
A-F - A-F Grade Basis
Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for:
This course fulfills the following Liberal Education requirement(s)
Social Sciences, Race, Power, and Justice in the United States
Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?
Typically offered term(s)
Every Fall & Spring