
POL 4461W - European Government and Politics (3 Cr.) Global Perspectives, Writing Intensive

Political Science Department (10984) TCLA - College of Liberal Arts

POL 4461W - European Government and Politics (3 Cr.) Global Perspectives, Writing Intensive

Course description

This course will introduce you to three major topics that shape European social and political life today: 1) the struggle over what makes for a national/European identity: how contested national identities matter to European democratic politics and to the new populist movements, and the historical role of Islam in shaping European identities 2) the role of institutions in shaping popular representation and citizen agency; 3) European Union policies: dealing with immigration, the single currency and foreign and security policy especially in regard to Eastern/Central Europe and Russia. Each section will conclude with a comparative class debate, led by students, on the way contested historical interpretations and identities, institutions and policies matter also to US political and civic life. This is a writing intensive course and you will be asked to write a 12-15 page research essay on a European country of your choice. Several assignments, preceded by a writing workshop, will help you complete your final essay. The course will consist of lectures with PPTs, class discussions and group work, and at least one guest lecturer working in a local business connected with Europe. Indeed this course aims at preparing you to live and work in a deeply interconnected world, with special attention to the historical, social, political and economic ties between the US and Europe. Small changes will be made to the syllabus if current events or unexpected class needs require it, but the main themes, most readings and the assignments will remain as indicated in the syllabus. prereq: 1054 or 3051 or non-pol sci grad or instr consent

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

OPT - Student Option


Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for:


This course fulfills the following Liberal Education requirement(s)

Global Perspectives

Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Fall Odd, Spring Even Year