HORT 4071W - Applications of Biotechnology to Plant Improvement (3 Cr.) Writing Intensive, Online may be available

Horticultural Science (11030) TCOA - College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

HORT 4071W - Applications of Biotechnology to Plant Improvement (3 Cr.) Writing Intensive, Online may be available

Course description

This online course with required synchronous meetings is designed to provide a foundation in the theory and application of plant biotechnology used in crop improvement. The online lecture meets twice per week to introduce and discuss the basic concepts of plant genetics, molecular biology, DNA manipulation, plant tissue culture, gene introduction, and analysis of gene expression. The diversity of perspectives surrounding the application of biotechnology to plant improvement will be discussed. Course content consists of lecture, reading assignments, practice writing, peer review, discussions, and group work.

prereq: [Biol 1009 or equiv or grad student], instr consent

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

AFV - A-F or Audit




Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Spring Odd Year