
ARTS 3730 - Intermediate Digital Photography (4 Cr.)

Art Department (10951) TCLA - College of Liberal Arts

ARTS 3730 - Intermediate Digital Photography (4 Cr.)

Course description

In a world of images, what are ways you can use digital photography? This class explores those possibilities. You will consider your own image making in the context of contemporary art, current events, photographic history, and the universe of imagery in which we live. This class builds on 1701 Intro to Photography, approaching photography as a means of expression, investigation, critical inquiry, and interaction. The emphasis is on finding your personal voice and direction as a photographic artist. Students come to this class with a working knowledge of basic camera operation and photographic principles, from technical to aesthetic and conceptual. Students will learn and use advanced digital tools and workflow in the service of their own creative exploration. We will examine the changing role of digital image production and distribution in society. This class is organized around a series of project assignments and exercises. These prompts are opportunities to engage with both your own physical surroundings and the larger world. Smartphone cameras, social media, and mass dissemination of images have changed people's everyday lives. These tools have been at the forefront during the pandemic and to highlight long-standing systems of violence. This class engages with these topics. Projects will be completed with manually controlled advanced digital cameras, cell phone cameras, found images (print, negatives and / or digital), and more.

prereq: ARTS 1701

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


What is the maximum number of completions allowed?


What is the maximum number of credits that can be earned from this course?


Grading basis

OPT - Student Option




Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall & Spring