
TH 3100 - Theatre Lab Practicum (1 Cr.)

Theatre Arts & Dance Dept (10992) TCLA - College of Liberal Arts

TH 3100 - Theatre Lab Practicum (1 Cr.)

Course description

This course is for the student to gain more experience, develop new skills, or possibly hone current ones through practical application in the Theatre Arts Shops. Students will complete hours in the Scenery/Properties shop, Costume Shop, Sound/Media Lab, or Light Lab throughout the semester. Registration in TH 3100 is also available for students using show hours to serve in a production capacity on a main stage show, such as technical direction or master electrician.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


What is the maximum number of completions allowed?


What is the maximum number of credits that can be earned from this course?


Grading basis

SNV - S-N or Audit


Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall & Spring