ANTH 4031W - Anthropology and Social Justice (4 Cr.) Field Study, Research, Service-Learning, Civic Life and Ethics, Writing Intensive
Anthropology (10950)
TCLA - College of Liberal Arts
ANTH 4031W - Anthropology and Social Justice (4 Cr.) Field Study, Research, Service-Learning, Civic Life and Ethics, Writing Intensive
Course description
Practical application of theories/methods from social/cultural anthropology. Issues of policy, planning, implementation, and ethics as they relate to applied anthropology.
prereq: 1003 or 1005 or 4003 or grad student or instr consent
prereq: 1003 or 1005 or 4003 or grad student or instr consent
Minimum credits
Maximum credits
Is this course repeatable?
Grading basis
OPT - Student Option
This course fulfills the following Liberal Education requirement(s)
Civic Life and Ethics
Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?
Typically offered term(s)
Spring Odd Year