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STAT 4893W - Consultation and Communication for Statisticians (3 Cr.) Writing Intensive

Statistics, School of (10991) TCLA - College of Liberal Arts

Course description

This course focuses on how to interact and collaborate as a statistician on a multidisciplinary team. Students will learn about all aspects of statistical consulting by performing an actual consultation. This includes: understanding the needs of the researcher, designing a study to investigate the client's needs, and communicating study results through graphs, writing, and oral presentations in a manner that a non-statistician can understand. Students will also discuss how to design research ethically (respecting the rights of the subjects in the research), how to analyze data without manipulating results, and how to properly cite and credit other people's work. Students will also be exposed to professional statisticians as a means of better understanding careers in statistics.

prereq: Senior Statistics Major. STAT 4051 and STAT 4102 or STAT 5102

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis




Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall & Spring