
PHAR 6968 - Critical Care (1 Cr.)

College of Pharmacy - Adm (11390) TPHR - College of Pharmacy

PHAR 6968 - Critical Care (1 Cr.)

Course description

Critical Care is an elective that consists of two main components: a faculty/clinician presentation on an important topic to contemporary critical care practice, followed by a student evaluation and presentation on a selected primary literature topic that applies and integrates the presentation with current practice challenges. Key topics that are covered include discussion of the Surviving Sepsis Guidelines with discussion on the role of corticosteroids, identification and management of the anxious or delirious ICU patient, and application of the updated PAD guidelines, systems of the second 50-minutes a student (or pair of students) present the faculty-selected study using PowerPoint slides, and encourage group discussion of the paper?s merits and application to current critical care practice or future research. Challenges of critical care research are incorporated into the weekly discussions.

prereq: Successful completion of P1, P2, and Fall of P3 professional pharmacy program. Interest in critical care pharmacy practice and/or clinical research.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis




Typically offered term(s)

Spring Even Year