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ENGL 3141 - The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century: Sex, Satire, and Sentiment (3 Cr.)
English Language & Literature (10961)
TCLA - College of Liberal Arts
Course description
This course will introduce you to some of the best literature of the Restoration and eighteenth century in England. Think of this course as a challenge: how can you, as someone who will spend most of your life in the 21st century, learn to appreciate and learn from literature written in far different times and places? A lot depends on your willingness to empathize with ways of thinking and being that are quite different from your own and your comfort with believing that other ages were just as complicated and as interesting as the one you live in. Typical authors include Dryden, Behn, Swift, Pope, Fielding, and Burney.
Minimum credits
Maximum credits
Is this course repeatable?
Grading basis
AFV - A-F or Audit
Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?
Typically offered term(s)
Periodic Fall & Spring