
PHAR 6224 - Advanced Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine (2 Cr.)

College of Pharmacy - Adm (11390) TPHR - College of Pharmacy

PHAR 6224 - Advanced Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine (2 Cr.)

Course description

This course is for individuals wanting advanced knowledge in PGx and an introduction to the broader field of precision medicine. It consists of lectures, homework assignments and class discussions designed to introduce precision medicine as it relates to the impact of genetic variation on health and the advanced practice of pharmacogenomics. Students will learn diagnostic methods to identify germline and somatic mutations, how algorithms and equations are used for predictions and the relationships between genes and environment. How these concepts apply in the clinical settings, forecast health and drug response will be presented. Emerging tools in genetics and pharmacogenomics will be presented. The course will also address clinical implementation and the ethical, legal, and social issues presented by precision medicine and PGx.

Prerequisite: 3rd year PharmD student, graduate student in healthcare or related program, or equivalent experience or instructor consent

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis




Typically offered term(s)

Every Spring