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YOST 4321 - Conversational and Relational Practices with Young People (3 Cr.)

School of Social Work (11230) TCED - College of Education and Human Development

Course description

This course is organized as a conversation lab where students “try on”—in class in person, in real time, with other students as conversational partners—specific conversational practices that are rooted in an ethic of relational care and dialogical approaches to youth work.

This course is designed to give students concepts and practices for doing youth work in a wide range of settings with individual youth. The focus will be on cultivating and expanding students’ capacities for working with youth from an ethic of relational engagement and cultural responsiveness. This ethic is a relational stance that youth workers take, whether they are mentoring a youth in a Big Brother/Big Sister program, providing medical case management to HIV+ youth, doing programming at a community center, facilitating outdoor activities, leading arts-based youth programs, leading camp activities, or passing out condoms and toothbrushes as a street outreach worker.

Emphasis is on taking up a reflexive practice that considers multiple perspectives; that accounts for the influence of prevailing cultural discourses that influence youth, youth workers, and their relationships; and that commits to the generating of multiple possibilities. We will approach youth work as a political act that requires workers to articulate an ethical stance when engaging with young people.

Prior completion of YOST 1001 or 2101 is highly recommended.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

OPT - Student Option


Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for:


Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Periodic Fall & Spring