
SMGT 3632 - Sport Sales and Fundraising (3 Cr.)

Kinesiology, School of (11222) TCED - College of Education and Human Development

SMGT 3632 - Sport Sales and Fundraising (3 Cr.)

Course description

Effectively managing the revenue generating functions of sport organizations is critical to the long-term success and viability of those entities. This course will allow students to build their knowledge of theoretical approaches to selling and sales management in sport, and it will teach students a range of practical skills that they will be able to apply in addressing sport industry challenges in the revenue generating space. Students will learn the importance of strategic account management in the contexts of season ticket sales, group event sales, premium seating sales, and sponsorship sales. Additionally, students will explore the unique nature of the account management, relationship cultivation, and stewardship process in a sport fundraising context. Particular attention will be paid to fundraising in college athletics.

The primary projects in this course will include weekly sales simulations, industry case studies, and a sales campaign that is developed in partnership with a real-world, sport industry partner. Upon conclusion of this class, students will be able to clearly identify, define, and solve problems related to generating revenue in sport organizations through the sale of sport services and fundraising using sport as a platform to positively impact the lives of sport participants.

prereq: SMGT major or SMGT minor or CEHD IDP or instructor consent

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis




Typically offered term(s)

Every Spring