
NSCI 2101 - Human Neuroanatomy (4 Cr.) Biological Sciences

Neuroscience (11918) TMED - Medical School

NSCI 2101 - Human Neuroanatomy (4 Cr.) Biological Sciences

Course description

This course will provide a broad introduction to the nervous system with an emphasis on the human nervous system. The course will introduce the structure and function of neurons, the major anatomical parts of the nervous system and the main functional systems. Functional systems will be approached through an understanding of the anatomical circuitry. The fundamental concepts of neurochemical communication studied in general terms in the first part of the course will be re-examined relative to specific functional systems later in the course. Although the major focus of the course will be on the normal nervous system, common diseases will be introduced for each main topic. Students will gain an understanding of the nature of many neurological diseases, which will provide further insight into how the normal nervous system functions. The neuronal substrates of learning/memory, addiction and drug actions will be examined. Through the lectures, laboratory exercises and other resources, students will be expected to gain an understanding of the neural circuitry and information processing responsible for the diverse range of human behaviors.
The material covered in NSCI 2001 and 2101 is very similar. NSCI 2101 is taught only fall semester. It is a traditional lecture course that includes a weekly laboratory. The faculty believe that the laboratory is a valuable part of the course. NSCI 2001 is taught only spring semester for those who cannot take the fall course. It does not have a lab, but has the advantage of a flipped format. In NSCI 2001, students will be expected to watch the assigned lectures prior to coming to class. Class time will be spent on exercises and discussions that use the material presented in the online lectures. Students who take one of these two courses will not be allowed to take the other course.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis



Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for:


This course fulfills the following Liberal Education requirement(s)

Biological Sciences

Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall