
MEDC 8753 - Molecular Targets of Drug Discovery (3 Cr.)

MEDC 8753 - Molecular Targets of Drug Discovery (3 Cr.)

Course description

Structure of biological macromolecules that are targets of drugs. Techniques to accelerate directed drug discovery. Protein structure/interactions. Popular target classes. Computational tools for visualizing/analyzing protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions. Structural characterization at a level sufficient to underpin critical data evaluation. Biophysical techniques to assess weak ligand binding and suitable for fragment-based lead discovery.

prereq: 5710 or 8002 or CHEM 5412 or structural biochemistry or instr consent

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

AFV - A-F or Audit


Typically offered term(s)

Fall Even Year