
CEGE 5543 - Introductory Environmental Fluid Mechanics (4 Cr.)

CSENG Civil, Envrn & Geo-Eng (CEGE) (11101) TIOT - College of Science and Engineering

CEGE 5543 - Introductory Environmental Fluid Mechanics (4 Cr.)

Course description

In Environmental Fluid Mechanics, we study the movement and changes of pollutants and nutrients in water systems. Our focus is on quantifying transport from microscopic to watersheds scales. The overall goal is to develop physically-based knowledge of fluid flow transport processes that mediate the fate of contaminants and nutrients in the environment. An understanding of mechanisms guides sustainable water quality management strategies. The topics covered encompass dimensional analysis, scaling, transport phenomena, flow, dispersion, and chemical/biological reactions, along with practical laboratory experience.

prereq: Any undergraduate fluid mechanics course or consent of the instructor

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

AFV - A-F or Audit



Typically offered term(s)

Fall Odd Year