
KIN 5643 - Applied Motion Capture and Movement Analysis Technology (3 Cr.)

Kinesiology, School of (11222) TCED - College of Education and Human Development

KIN 5643 - Applied Motion Capture and Movement Analysis Technology (3 Cr.)

Course description

Course provides students with the knowledge and tools to effectively analyze human movement patterns in a wide variety of field-based settings, such as
assessing sport skill performance or measuring movement deficits after injury. Students will comprehend the basic, underlying components of movement and movement deficits.

It is strongly suggested students have taken Physics, Biomechanics, and Human Anatomy.

Credit will not be received if taken KIN 5720: Special Topics in Kinesiology with the topic title, Sport Movement Analysis.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis


Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall