
PHAR 6964 - Clinical Toxicology (1 Cr.)

College of Pharmacy - Adm (11390) TPHR - College of Pharmacy

PHAR 6964 - Clinical Toxicology (1 Cr.)

Course description

This course will cover the clinical signs/ symptoms, general management and treatment of poisonings and toxicologic emergencies that are not covered in the main curriculum. It will also cover decontamination and laboratory principles associated with poisonings and toxicologics emergencies. This class will be comprised of lecture format presentations. Students will be given 1 hour to complete the final exam and midterm.

prereqs: All students will have successfully completed the first year professional pharmacy program, as well as successfully completed fall semester of the second year. All students will have also successfully completed or be in the process of completing anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology. The student is responsible for this material to the extent necessary as a framework for toxicologic therapeutics. Thus, students are encouraged to review basic anatomy and physiology and specifically encouraged to review the section of the pharmacology textbook relevant to the classes of drugs covered.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis




Typically offered term(s)

Spring Odd Year