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HINF 5610 - Foundations of Biomedical Natural Language Processing (3 Cr.)
Health Informatics, AHC Inst (12016)
TAHS - Academic Health Center Shared
Course description
The course will provide a systematic introduction to basic knowledge and methods used in natural language processing (NLP) research. It will introduce biomedical NLP tasks and methods as well as their resources and applications in the biomedical domain. The course will also provide hands-on experience with existing NLP tools and systems. Students will gain basic knowledge and skills in handling with main biomedical NLP tasks.
Prerequisites graduate student or instructor consent; Experience with at least one programming language (Python or Perl preferred)
Recommended: basic understanding of data mining concepts, basic knowledge of computational linguistics
Prerequisites graduate student or instructor consent; Experience with at least one programming language (Python or Perl preferred)
Recommended: basic understanding of data mining concepts, basic knowledge of computational linguistics
Minimum credits
Maximum credits
Is this course repeatable?
Grading basis
OPT - Student Option
Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?
Typically offered term(s)
Periodic Fall