
GDBA 7207 - Family Wealth Management (1 Cr.)

Global Initiatives (11283) TCSM - Curtis L. Carlson School of Management

GDBA 7207 - Family Wealth Management (1 Cr.)

Course description

This course offers an integrated and strategic approach to family wealth management. Wealthy individuals or families wish to protect and grow the wealth, enjoy financial security, and build a lasting legacy. Effective wealth management is critical to achieve these goals. A successful wealth management is an integrated and strategic discipline that includes investment strategy, risk management, taxes, financial planning, philanthropy, governance, and family culture. This course will help wealthy families to understand fundamentals of family wealth management, importance of diversification and risk management in family wealth, strategies that can help to achieve tax-efficient and cost-effective diversification, comprehensive family financial planning, and effective oversight of the wealth management process.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis


Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall, Spring & Summer