
HSM 4582 - Practicum in Long Term Care (1 Cr.) Practicum

CCAPS Applied Professional Studies (10908) TUCL - College of Continuing and Professional Studies

HSM 4582 - Practicum in Long Term Care (1 Cr.) Practicum

Course description

The Practicum course is the final component of the long term care administrator's education. A broad range of performance parameters are affected by management practices (e.g., employee morale, clinical processes, financial performance, regulatory compliance, quality of life for residents, customer satisfaction, and community/public relations). The course is a transition between the classroom and this executive level of management. Students will undertake a formal practicum project that must be coordinated with 1) the practicum site, 2) a preceptor who is a licensed nursing home administrator at the sponsoring organization, and 3) the course instructor. The intern is expected to make positive contributions to the sponsoring organization. The preceptor functions as a mentor, coach, and tutor. The intern identifies learning objectives and opportunities to meet both short-range goals for gaining work experience and long-range goals for career development through the development of a learning agreement.

prereq: Most prelicensure courses completed--at a minimum, HSM 4583/6583-LTC Supports and Services; HSM 4585/6585 -LTC Organizational Management; HSM 4589/6589-LTC Human Resource Management; HSM 4593/6593-Gerontology for Health Care Managers.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

AFV - A-F or Audit

Field Work

Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for:


Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall, Spring & Summer