
FW 5121 - Conservation Decisions for a Sustainable Future (3 Cr.)

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology (11023) TCOA - College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

FW 5121 - Conservation Decisions for a Sustainable Future (3 Cr.)

Course description

We are impacting our planet and the species and ecosystems on it at an unprecedented rate. This creates key policy challenges to conserve species, ecosystems, and the benefits they provide to people. But, how do we decide what is the best way to tackle these challenges? How do we do this in a world with limited resources (time, money) for conservation and multiple stakeholders with different objectives? How can we make systematic decisions to get the biggest bang for our conservation buck? To address these questions, this course will cover key topics and concepts in conservation planning and provide exposure and hands-on experience with techniques for conservation plans and decisions. We will cover topics ranging from protected areas, restoration, ecosystem services, and climate change to structured decision-making, adaptive management, and return on investment. The course has a lecture and in-class computer lab component. This course will present structured approaches to problem-solving and decision-making from a conservation perspective, and students will leave with tools for structuring and solving complex environmental problems. Therefore, this is a foundational course in conservation planning but will also provide students will a tool-box to formulate and solve complex problems in environmental management more broadly and in life.

Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing, or permission of instructor. Recommended: One course in ecology, environmental science, or permission of instructor.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis




Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Every Spring