
PSY 1923 - The Freshman 15: Stress and Health Management for College Students (3 Cr.) Freshman Seminar

Psychology (10986) TCLA - College of Liberal Arts

PSY 1923 - The Freshman 15: Stress and Health Management for College Students (3 Cr.) Freshman Seminar

Course description

The start of college is a time of significant transition from family home to campus living. The changes across many domains of one's life can disrupt healthy habits and initiate unhealthy ones. Are your stress levels out of control? Are you worried about your college eating habits? Are you planning to catch up on sleep after you graduate? In this seminar we will use a biopsychosocial framework, popular in health psychology, to examine personal health influences and choices. This framework supports a holistic approach, in stark contrast to the erroneous and weight-focused "freshman 15" concept. You will gain insight into your own health and learn methods to improve and sustain health behaviors that will better support your life as a student and your life beyond college.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis




Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Periodic Fall & Spring