
CEGE 4513 - Energy Conversion from Wind Hydro and Solar Resources (3 Cr.)

CSENG Civil, Envrn & Geo-Eng (CEGE) (11101) TIOT - College of Science and Engineering

CEGE 4513 - Energy Conversion from Wind Hydro and Solar Resources (3 Cr.)

Course description

During this class the physical principles of energy conversion from alternative resources as wind, hydro and solar will be presented and discussed, with an emphasis on fluid mechanics and geophysical flows (atmospheric boundary layer, rivers, tidal flows).

We will start with the resource assessment devoted to quantify the available energy in the environment (wind, rivers, and sun). Each energy resource module will include basic economic principles and assumption enabling the quantification of the efficiency and the costs of energy transformation, as well as an estimate of environmental effects (when possible).
We will focus on the details on wind, streams, wave and solar power using conservation equations and basic principles of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.

prereqs: CEGE 3502 or equivalent

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis




Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for:


Typically offered term(s)

Periodic Fall