
MKTG 1918 - Finding Happiness In The Age Of Consumption (2 Cr.) Freshman Seminar

Marketing (11269) TCSM - Curtis L. Carlson School of Management

MKTG 1918 - Finding Happiness In The Age Of Consumption (2 Cr.) Freshman Seminar

Course description

In today’s culture of consumption, free choice, and materialism, the pursuit of happiness through the “good life” seems to be an attainable goal. Retail therapy uplifts our spirits. Finding the best deals gives us a sense of accomplishment. Online shopping makes it ever so easy to instantly gratify our desires. Enjoyment through food, travel, and novel experiences is more accessible than ever. A wide variety of entertainment and social connections are available, literally, at the tip of our fingers. Still, we feel empty, wanting, and dissatisfied time and again. We continue to experience boredom, unhappiness, and loneliness. Why this paradox? This question has spurred recent research in consumer behavior, decision making, and psychology.
In this seminar, we will explore some of the latest scientific findings as well as selected perspectives from ancient philosophy to help us understand this phenomenon and build a happier and better life. We will tackle questions such as, how can we experience more happiness in our lives? Can we increase the level of enjoyment we experience through our consumption activities? How can we make happiness last longer? What are some effective ways of reducing boredom and dealing with negative emotions? How can we increase our wellbeing through our daily work and activities in college? Most importantly, we will develop a tool kit to help us on our journey to happiness and success.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis




Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall