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BA 3062 - Impact Lab in Action (2 Cr.)

Curtis L. Carlson School of Management - Adm (11252) TCSM - Curtis L. Carlson School of Management

Course description

This research project course centers on working with an organization to solve a real business challenge with an impact. The purpose of the Impact Lab Project is to apply the skills learned in the BA 2062 Powerful Problem Solving course to a real business problem. Students will be provided with a business problem faced by an organization that is partnering with the class. Using the skills learned in the powerful problem solving course, along with the knowledge gained in the business fundamentals courses, students will define the problem, disaggregate the issues, conduct appropriate research, generate data-driven solutions, critically evaluate alternatives, and present their final recommendations to the client partner. Faculty in the class will serve as coaches as students work on the projects.

prereq: Carlson School of Management student, BA 1011, BA 2062, non-FRFY

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis

Field Work



Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall & Spring