PUBH 3213W - Determinants of Health in Communities (3 Cr.) Writing Intensive

School of Public Health - Adm (11162) TPUB - School of Public Health

PUBH 3213W - Determinants of Health in Communities (3 Cr.) Writing Intensive

Course description

Public health aims to reduce the occurrence of disease and prolong healthy lives. In order to achieve these monumental goals, a thorough understanding of the multifactorial causes of disease and premature death is necessary. This course will expand on the thematic categories used in public health which were introduced in PubH 1202, including: sociodemographic, geocultural, unintentional, infectious disease, and chronic factors. Students will complete the course able to identify and describe leading specific causes of disease and premature death for local, national, and global communities. Public health issues are complex, the solutions are often controversial, and resources to solve public health problems are limited. Effective solutions require dedicated people coming together to collaborate and integrate innovative ideas. Students will apply population-based health concepts to a selected public health population and topic of choice and contribute to the development of a vision for a healthy community.

This course fulfills the requirement of a writing intensive course using the 10 Essential Public Health Services as a basis for exploration and analysis.

Minimum credits


Maximum credits


Is this course repeatable?


Grading basis

A-F - A-F Grade Basis


Fulfills the writing intensive requirement?


Typically offered term(s)

Every Fall