Agricultural and Food Business Management B.S.

College of Food, Agri & Natural Resource Sciences (TCOA) 30UGR Col of Food, Agr & Nat Res Sci 201 - Bachelor of Science

Program description

The agricultural and food business management major is offered jointly by the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences and the Carlson School of Management. The curriculum emphasizes concepts and methods from economics and business management and their use in identifying, analyzing, and solving management problems related to food, agriculture, natural resources, and economic development. The program provides a balance between applied economics and business management studies, with a limited amount of applied science. Students may elect a variety of courses or minors in their junior and senior years to accommodate special interests and career goals.

Graduates of the curriculum are prepared for a wide range of employment opportunities in the food system and other agribusinesses. Examples of employment areas include finance and banking, management, input, commodity and food marketing, sales, administration, public and industrial relations, production management, economic and statistical analysis, managerial accounting, management information systems, and supply chain management.

Students completing the program may also pursue graduate studies in preparation for research, teaching, or continuing education positions in academic institutions, government agencies, or industry.

Students completing the agricultural food and business management major are not eligible to add a second major in applied economics due to course overlap.

Students majoring in agricultural and food business management and applied economics cannot minor in either of the department minors (AFBM or APEC). We highly encourage students to pursue a University-wide minor or, if they are in AFBM, one of the department-specific minors offered through CSOM.

Program last updated

Fall 2024