Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology B.S.

College of Food, Agri & Natural Resource Sciences (TCOA) 30UGR Col of Food, Agr & Nat Res Sci 201 - Bachelor of Science

Program description

The fisheries, wildlife, and conservation biology curriculum gives students a broad science background emphasizing biological and environmental sciences and other coursework needed for careers in fisheries, wildlife, conservation biology, and other natural resource and environmental fields. Graduates are prepared to research, plan, and implement the management, protection, and enhancement of fisheries and aquatic resources, wildlife resources, and biological diversity. Graduates find employment as fisheries and wildlife scientists and managers, naturalists, zoo biologists, environmental biologists, environmental educators, and other natural resource professionals. The program also provides students with the fundamental science background needed to enter a wide variety of graduate programs in biological and natural resource sciences, as well as professional programs in veterinary medicine, environmental law, and environmental education.

Program last updated

Fall 2024