Finance B.S.B.

Curtis L. Carlson School of Management (TCSM) 02UGR Carlson School of Management 205 - Bachelor of Science in Business

Program description

Finance is about understanding economic value. Specifically how the decisions made by firms determine the economic value of firms or investment opportunities.

Since all firms must invest capital (cash) to operate and grow, all firms simultaneously compete with each other, and all other investment opportunities, for capital in Capital Markets. Finance professionals estimate and evaluate economic value and risk focusing on estimating future cash flow and using information from Capital Markets.

Finance professionals include economists, operating managers, financial analysts, data scientists, researchers, investors, and financial advisors.

Finance professionals are quantitative and analytical, utilizing mathematical tools and building models to inform decision making.
Finance professionals are curious, researching and understanding firms and markets.
Finance professionals are strong communicators, helping colleagues understand the financial implications of their business decisions and investment opportunities.
Finance professionals are comfortable with ambiguity, recognizing and quantifying the economic impact of risk and uncertainty.

Program last updated

Fall 2024